Intermediair voor het aanvragen van een VOG bij Dienst Justis
Intermediair voor het aanvragen van een VOG bij Dienst Justis

VOG aanvragen

Voor maar €41,15 wordt de aanvraag voor u klaargezet bij Dienst Justis.

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VOG Online Applications: No Need to Schedule an Appointment with the Municipality

The Behavior Statement, or VOG for short, is a declaration demonstrating that your prior
criminal record does not conflict with the goals or purposes for which you are applying. Stated
differently, a record attesting to your lack of any relevant criminal history. The usage of a
keyword is crucial in this situation since some criminal acts may be inappropriate for carrying
out certain tasks, but not for others.

If you have ever needed to submit a request for a Declaration on Behavior, or VOG, you are
surely familiar with the procedure. Alternatively: was. By using intermediary, the
municipality's corridor is preserved. In this manner, you will save a great deal of time and the
application process will be much quicker.

When is a Certificate of Good Conduct Necessary?

A VOG is often needed as a Certificate of Good Conduct while carrying out tasks involving sensitive information, cash, or vulnerable individuals. For several purposes within the healthcare industry and the (local) government, this document is required. This also applies to occupations like teaching, accounting, law, and taxi service. Apart from the fact that a VOG is always required for certain employment, it is up to each employer whether or not they choose to get this document from a prospective employee.

Every Application is looked at separately.

Would you want to operate a taxi? Have you ever been caught driving after drinking and getting into trouble? A Statement about Behavior won't be approved in such a case. If you decide to become an accountant today, this is different. It makes no difference to this what you have driven under the influence of before. It works the opposite way around as well. It will still be possible for someone who has previously committed fraud to work as a driver, but not as an accountant.

How Can One Apply Online for a VOG?

Ask for your official VOG, please. You can get it for only €41.15 and one minute at You complete a few fields on our website. Along with the basis for your application for the Behavior Statement and the name of the firm or organization you want to work for, we also require your name, address, and phone number. Pre- screening is handled by De-; that is, we handle the pre-screening and thereafter submit the application to the Ministry of Justice and Security's Service Justis.


Make a Statement Request.

Obtaining the statement: Our website allows you to get your VOG. You therefore reimburse Justis for processing fees of €41.15 and empty expenses of €33.85.


Management by De-V0G

After reviewing your request, we will take action on it within a day of receiving it.


Sign up with Justis

Registration with Justis: We submit your information to the Dienst Justis portal. Using your DigiD, you request this to have your request confirmed. An email demanding payment of €33.85 for the empty charges will also be sent to you. You must pay € 75.00 in total for your VOG application.


Verify and Pay

Service Justis will send you an email to begin the real screening procedure.


Outcome by Mail

After reviewing your profile, Service Justis mails you its verdict.


Was taken down?

We can assist you in creating an objection and asking the Justis Service to examine your application if it has been denied. The application fees cannot be refunded.



Vraag een verklaring aan.

Het aanvragen van de verklaring: via onze website vraagt u uw VOG aan. U voldoet hierbij €41,15 aan verwerkingskosten en achteraf €33,85 legeskosten aan Justis.


Controle door De-V0G

De controle van uw aanvraag: deze voeren we binnen een etmaal na het versturen ervan uit.


Aanmelden bij Justis

Aanmelding bij Justis: uw gegevens melden wij bij het portaal van Dienst Justis. Deze verzoekt u daarop uw aanvraag middels uw DigiD te bevestigen. Ook ontvangt u een e-mail met het verzoek om de legeskosten van €33,85 te voldoen. In totaal betaalt u voor uw VOG aanvraag dus €75,00.


Bevestig en betaal

U ontvangt een e-mail van Dienst Justis om het feitelijke screeningsproces te starten.


Uitslag per post

Dienst Justis screent uw profiel en verstuurt u zijn beslissing per post.



In het geval uw aanvraag is afgewezen, kunnen wij u helpen met het opstellen van een bezwaarschrift en Dienst Justis om een heroverweging verzoeken. De aanvraagkosten kunt u niet retour krijgen.

A VOG is required in contexts other than the workplace.

The majority of individuals immediately consider paid functions when reading a behavior statement. Most individuals indeed apply for their VOG in such situations, however, it is not the only one. This document is required whether you are applying for housing or operating licenses, applying for a visa or want to immigrate, volunteering at a sports organization, joining a shooting association, or going through the adoption procedure.

A hassle-free application

To apply for a VOG in the past, one had to depend on the Civil Affairs division of the municipality in which one was resident. The ability to apply online for a Declaration on Behavior was introduced some time ago.

This could only be done at the time if an employer initiated the application online. This necessary connecting to eHerkenning, a system that allows any firm to identify itself while transacting with the government. For the individual who needs the VOG and the person who must apply for it, a digital application via is the best option.

You may request your VOG via the online middleman We make sure that the application procedure moves along quickly. Ultimately, you save a lot of time since you don’t need to schedule an appointment at your municipality’s counter. Time for the appointment it self, but also for the waiting time that normally precedes this.

How does the Justis Service operate precisely?

Make a formal VOG request. It only costs €41.15 and takes one minute at On our website, you fill in certain information. We need your name, phone number, and address in addition to the reason for your application for the Behavior Statement and the name of the business or organization you want to work for. Pre screening is handled by De, which implies that we handle both the pre screening and the application submission to the Ministry of Justice and Securitys Service Justis.

Get a VOG: both for adults and children

To apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct in Netherlands, a specified cutoff age of 23 is taken into consideration. It may be argued that if you are 23 years of age or older, you shouldn’t have interacted with the legal system over the previous four years. There is a shorter review term that applies if you haven’t utilized the age of 23. This has to do with two years. A VOG is becoming more and more necessary, even for side work. After all, for those who are 12 years of age and older, criminal acts may already appear on their criminal record. Therefore, applying for a VOG is not always something that people are compelled to do.


You don’t apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct daily. Do you have any questions about this? Please contact us at any time without obligation. These also include the most frequently requested questions. The answers to this might potentially assuage your concerns.


You may avoid having to visit the municipality if you decide to apply online for your Certificate of Good Conduct. You may apply for a home instead. Additionally, you may take action now and at any moment. In contrast, you need to schedule an appointment at the Civil Affairs counter in0 the municipality.

A Declaration of Good Conduct, which is another name for a Certificate of Good Conduct, is an authorized document that vows the fact that you have never executed any offenses that would prevent you from doing a specific duty. Although a Certificate of Good Conduct is required for many professions, employers in other areas can still want something like it. The only valid document you may request for this purpose is the Certificate of Good Conduct.

Justis Service conducts screening based on a particular or broad screening profile. The job profiles correspond to the roles that need a Declaration of Good Conduct. Two examples of this are teachers and taxi drivers. Information, finances, and business ties are the primary risk factors included in the basic screening profile.

It is possible to seek a Certificate of Good Conduct for employers, workers, and legal companies. This often worries companies that do background checks on prospective employees. Workers may also apply for a Good Conduct Certificate. Not just for a job, but also for an internship, permission, visa, or specific affiliations. In turn, legal entities need a Certificate of Good Conduct to join, say, a trade organization.

It presents no difficulty at all to apply for a digital Certificate of Good Conduct if you are visiting from out of the country. One need is that you have a permanent home address in the Netherlands and are registered with a Dutch municipality. For example, do you not have a Dutch municipality registration because you are continuously residing abroad? In such a case, a digital application for a Certificate of Good Conduct is not feasible.

This does not change the fact that obtaining a Certificate of Good Conduct may still be accomplished in other ways. If so, you go straight to Dienst Justis and ask for the paperwork. The price (€41.35) doesn’t change. Please be aware that payments made from a foreign account number may be subject to tariff fees.

Perhaps you have been hired for a new role that calls for a V0G. A V0G is often (legally) necessary for a job that works with vulnerable persons and products, secret data, or, for example, money/banking concerns. You may check whether you have ever committed a crime by looking up your V0G.

It is not possible to cancel your VOG application on Since we begin our services right away, we are unable to reimburse your money. After that, you are free to avoid paying Dienst Justis. Your application will be canceled if you choose not to make this payment.

Application procedure

Three items are required to apply for a digital Certificate of Good Conduct. The first is filing for registration with a municipality in the Netherlands. To finish the online payment, you also need an iDeal and a DigiD, which is your digital passport for government purposes.

It will take one to four weeks to get the official document with the final decision once you receive an email from Dienst Justis confirming the screening process. You will always get this material by postal mail. The length of the screening process varies depending on several variables, including the volume of people present when you submit your application and any potential criminal offenses.

You may only apply for your Certificate of Good Conduct immediately under certain circumstances, such as adoption or while employed overseas. The method outlined on this page is then repeated, starting with the initial stages. After applying for a normal Certificate of Good Conduct, you may ask the Justis Service to expedite the process.

Refusing to apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct might have negative effects on the reason you are applying. You cannot be hired for the job you apply for if your application is denied. This is true for both newly hired employees and those who have held a certain role for a time. Refusing your employer’s periodic application for a Certificate of Good Conduct might have negative effects on how well you do your work going forward.

This is dependent on the intent behind your application as well as the length of time the “look-
back” period is in effect for the offense you committed. For criminal offences, there is a four-year review period. Put differently, a criminal conviction may have an impact on your eligibility for a Certificate of Good Conduct for a maximum of four years after your conviction. Sexual offenses and other severe crimes are subject to an indefinite review period. A two-year lookback period is used by Dienst Justis for minors under the age of twenty-three.

Indeed. Everybody who has never been convicted of a crime has been awarded a Certificate of Good Conduct.

The organization that demands a Certificate of Good Conduct from you will decide what constitutes its validity. whether you currently have a Certificate of Good Conduct, please ask your employer whether the certificate’s issuing date is still within its expiration date. Please be aware that applying for a Certificate of Good Conduct regularly is required by several sectors. This includes things like daycare and health care.

A so-called “Intention to Reject” is the primary concern of Dienst Justis in the event of a rejection. The Justis Service has indicated that criminal offenses were discovered during the evaluation of your application, which leads to this provisional judgment. You have two weeks from receipt of this letter to respond. This can be done online or in writing. The Ministry of Justice will not make a final decision until the next phase. In the event of an official rejection, an explanation of the decision is always provided. Do you disagree? Then you have the next six weeks to object.

General questions

First, the Justis Service looks into whether a relevant criminal offense happened within a certain time frame for review. The ultimate decision of whether or not to award a Certificate of Good Conduct is then reached via a consideration of interests. We consider the frequency of your interactions with the law about the criminal offense, the seriousness of the offense, and the time frame in which they were committed, in addition to whether the offense is relevant. The circumstances surrounding the offense or offenses, as well as your age, also matter.

A VOG application requires payment in two installments. The first is about the money you pay to so they can verify the application and send it on to Dienst Justis. After that, you’ll get a payment request for €33.85 from this individual. You spend €75.00 in total. You will only be responsible for paying the second payment of €33.85 if your employer applies for your Certificate of Good Conduct on your behalf.

It is incorrect to say that the fees for obtaining a Certificate of Good Conduct are inclusive or exclusive of VAT. A digital application's expenses are VAT-free.

On working days, Dienst Justis will send you a confirmation email if you filed your application via This email will arrive within 24 hours. Up until the moment you pay them, adjustments may still be made. You get in touch with us about this. is unable to contact Dienst Justis on your behalf to find out the status of your VOG application due to relevant privacy laws. Thus, you need to get in touch with us directly. The easiest way to accomplish this is over the phone. For this, you use 088 9982200 as your phone number; standard call rates apply.

Personal information is included in a document called Your Declaration of Good Conduct. It is thus not allowed to transmit it to anybody else except you because of privacy laws. After that, you provide your employer, the individual making the request, or the agency in question with the specifics of your Certificate of Good Conduct.

The official paperwork will be sent to you in Dutch by default. There’s also a brief explanation in English. Dienst Justis does not issue the VOG in any other language. Do you need a translation, for instance, to pursue employment overseas? Then, you have to hire a sworn translator to do this task for you.